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I just got a puppy, but I don't like the look of a fence and I don't want to use an electronic "invisible" fence. When I was a child, my uncle had a dog that he taught to stay on his property without any type of fence, how do I teach that to my puppy?

– Margaret, Bayside, NY

What you're asking about is commonly referred to as "boundary training." The interesting thing about tales of boundary training is that the dog in the story was never known to anyone alive now (as in "my uncle's cousin's grandmother's dog) or the dog lived on 20 acres and could never find his way off the property in the first place! Seriously, the percentage of dogs that could actually be reliably trained to stay on their property is minuscule.

The main problem with this is that even though you probably could teach your dog where your property line is (when he's on a leash and while you're attached to the other end of it), the minute you weren't outside with him and he saw a squirrel or a person or a car, he would more than likely run off the property. A dog doesn't have the ability to see something he wants (a moving car, for example) and then reason it out ("but if I run in front of it I'll be seriously injured") to avoid a bad outcome. The dog never thinks "Well, my owner said not to leave the yard, so I'd better not." Maybe he would if you were standing next to him holding his leash, but if you're inside the house or not home at all, your dog can and will leave the property.

It's your job to keep your dog safe, and in my opinion "boundary training" never works. Better to invest in some type of fencing then to risk life and limb!

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