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How do I get my dog to stop sleeping on the couch when we're gone? He stands up on the couch and sets off my motion detector! I can't put a mouse trap there, as I also have a cat, who sleeps on the couch. Help!

– Alarmed

A mouse trap — yikes! Don’t go there! Here are a few suggestions to keep your dog off the couch while you’re away.

First: Is your dog allowed on the couch when you’re home? If so, this can be confusing to him. If you like to snuggle with your dog on the couch, reserve a blanket just for those times and put it on the couch when you want the dog to join you. He’ll learn to understand that the blanket means "you’re invited" and the absence of the blanket means "stay off."

Next: Every time your dog sneaks onto the couch when you’re not home, it reinforces the idea that it’s okay to do so. Therefore, you need to keep him from getting up on the couch. The best way to do this is to confine him in an area where he can’t get to it. Make sure you provide him with a nice fluffy dog bed (if he’s not a chewer) so that he has a cozy spot to cuddle up in.

If you can’t keep him away from the couch, then you have to make it uncomfortable for him while you’re away. One way is to go to an office supply store and get one of those plastic mats that go under rolling office chairs. It’s usually clear plastic and has little plastic "teeth" on one side. Put it on the couch "teeth" side up and cover it with a sheet (not the blanket that means "you’re invited up"). He will definitely change his mind about how comfortable the couch is!

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